
Aday adayları (Yabancı Film ve Kısa Belgesel)



Oscarın tam gaz geldiğini bir bu kısa listeler açıklandığında anlıyorum, bir de sezonun önemli ödüllerinden ilki açıklandığında.Ekim ayının da sonuna yavaş yavaş yaklaşırken AMPAS bu senenin aday adayı yabancı filmlerini ve kısa belgesellerini açıkladı.Önce yabancı film listesiyle başlayalım:

Almanya, “When We Leave,” Feo Aladag;
Arnavutluk, “East, West, East,” Gjergj Xhuvani;
Arjantin, “Carancho,” Pablo Trapero;
Avusturya, “La Pivellina,” Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel;
Azerbeycan, “The Precinct,” Ilgar Safat;
Bangladeş, “Third Person Singular Number,” Mostofa Sarwar Farooki;
Belçika, “Illegal,” Olivier Masset-Depasse;
Bosna-Hersek, “Circus Columbia,” Danis Tanovic;
Brezilya, “Lula, the Son of Brazil,” Fabio Barreto;
Bulgaristan, “Eastern Plays,” Kamen Kalev;
Cezayir, “Hors la Loi” (“Outside the Law”), Rachid Bouchareb;
Çek Cumhuriyeti, “Kawasaki’s Rose,” Jan Hrebejk;
Çin, “Aftershock,” Feng Xiaogang;
Danimarka, “In a Better World,” Susanne Bier;
Endonezya, “How Funny (Our Country Is),” Deddy Mizwar;
Estonya, “The Temptation of St. Tony,” Veiko Ounpuu;
Etiyopya, “The Athlete,” Davey Frankel and Rasselas Lakew;
Filipinler, “Noy,” Dondon S. Santos and Rodel Nacianceno;
Finlandiya, “Steam of Life,” Joonas Berghall and Mika Hotakainen;
Fransa, “Of Gods and Men,” Xavier Beauvois;
Grönland, “Nuummioq,” Otto Rosing and Torben Bech;
Güney Afrika, “Life, above All,” Oliver Schmitz;
Gürcistan, “Street Days,” Levan Koguashvili;
Hırvatistan, “The Blacks,” Goran Devic and Zvonimir Juric;
Hindistan, “Peepli [Live],” Anusha Rizvi;
Hollanda, “Tirza,” Rudolf van den Berg;
Hong Kong, “Echoes of the Rainbow,” Alex Law;
İran, “Farewell Baghdad,” Mehdi Naderi;
İspanya, “Tambien la Lluvia” (“Even the Rain”), Iciar Bollain;
İsrail, “The Human Resources Manager,” Eran Riklis;
İsveç, “Simple Simon,” Andreas Ohman;
İsviçre, “La Petite Chambre,” Stephanie Chuat and Veronique Reymond;
İtalya, “La Prima Cosa Bella” (“The First Beautiful Thing”), Paolo Virzi;
İzlanda, “Mamma Gogo,” Fridrik Thor Fridriksson;
Irak, “Son of Babylon,” Mohamed Al-Daradji;
Japonya, “Confessions,” Tetsuya Nakashima;
Kanada, “Incendies,” Denis Villeneuve;
Kazakistan, “Strayed,” Akan Satayev;
Kırgızistan, “The Light Thief,” Aktan Arym Kubat;
Kolombiya, “Crab Trap,” Oscar Ruiz Navia;
Kore, “A Barefoot Dream,” Tae-kyun Kim;
Kosta Rika, “Of Love and Other Demons,” Hilda Hidalgo;
Letonya, “Hong Kong Confidential,” Maris Martinsons;
Macaristan, “Bibliotheque Pascal,” Szabolcs Hajdu;
Makedonya, “Mothers,” Milcho Manchevski;
Meksika, “Biutiful,” Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu;
Mısır, “Messages from the Sea,” Daoud Abdel Sayed;
Nikaragua, “La Yuma,” Florence Jaugey;
Norveç, “The Angel,” Margreth Olin;
Peru, “Undertow” (“Contracorriente”), Javier Fuentes-Leon;
Polonya, “All That I Love,” Jacek Borcuch;
Portekiz, “To Die Like a Man,” Joao Pedro Rodrigues;
Porto Riko, “Miente” (“Lie”), Rafael Mercado;
Romanya, “If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle,” Florin Serban;
Rusya, “The Edge,” Alexey Uchitel;
Sırbistan, “Besa,” Srdjan Karanovic;
Slovakya, “Hranica” (“The Border”), Jaroslav Vojtek;
Slovenya, “9:06,” Igor Sterk;
Şili, “The Life of Fish,” Matias Bize;
Tayland, “Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives,” Apichatpong Weerasethakul;
Tayvan, “Monga,” Chen-zer Niu;
Türkiye, “Bal” (“Honey”), Semih Kaplanoglu;
Uruguay, “La Vida Util,” Federico Veiroj;
Venezuella, “Hermano,” Marcel Rasquin.
Yunanistan, “Dogtooth,” Yorgos Lanthimos;

Kısa belgesel aday adayları ise şöyle:

“Born Sweet,” Cynthia Wade Productions
“Killing in the Name,” Moxie Firecracker Films
“Living for 32,” Cuomo Cole Productions
“One Thousand Pictures: RFK’s Last Journey,” Lichen Films
“Poster Girl,” Portrayal Films
“Strangers No More,” Simon & Goodman Picture Company
“Sun Come Up,” Sun Come Up, LLC
“The Warriors of Qiugang,” Thomas Lennon Films, Inc.

1 Comment

  1. Enes

    26 Ekim 2010 at 09:33

    Almanya’nın adayı ”Ayrılık” ı izledim.Çok iyi bir film olmuş ve akademinin sevebileceği bir hikaye bence.

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