Oscar Boy Sordu: 2022’nin En İyi 50 Filmi
Henüz develer tellal, pireler berber iken Yurttan Sesler Listesi adını verdiğim (sırf kısaltması YSL diye) kolektif bir yıl sonu muhasebesine kalkışmıştım hatırlarsanız. 50’nin üzerinde sinema yazarı, mikroblogger, podcaster, yedinci sanat âşığı sevdiğimiz isimleri bir araya getirmemin sonucunda da 2020’nin zirvesine Never Rarely Sometimes Always oturmuştu. Dillere destan sektörel depremin ardından kendi kozama çekildiğim 2021’de ne yazık ki gelenek olmasını dilediğim bu toplaşmanın devamını getiremedim. Ama içerik üretmeye sil baştan sevdalandığım 2022’yle birlikte zirveye (!) geri dönüyorum…
Çalışkanlığıyla nam salmış Oscar Boy’unuz olarak sinemayla ilgili içerik üreten 51 kişiden yıl sonu onlularını alıp kolektif bir tablo çıkardım yine. Bu sefer adı YSL değil, merak etmeyin… Sinema yazarı, podcaster ve Youtuber barındıran kadromuz, Türkiye’deki ilk gösterimini vizyon ya da festival fark etmeksizin 2022’de yapmış, eğer Türkiye’de hiç gösterilmediyse yapım ülkesinde 2022’de vizyona girmiş uzun metrajlı filmleri değerlendirmeye alarak listelerini oluşturdu. Licorice Pizza, C’mon C’mon, Earwig gibi yapımları görünce bu kuralımızı aklınıza getirmeyi unutmayın.
Son dakikada zirvesi değişen listeye Letterboxd’tan ulaşabilir, katkıda bulunan 51 ismin kişisel listelerini de bir sonraki sayfadan inceleyebilirsiniz. Kalan sağlar önden buyursun:
㊿ C’mon C’mon
Mike Mills | ABD | 109′
㊾ Speak No Evil
Christian Tafdrup | Danimarka, Hollanda | 97′
㊽ Klondike
Maryna Er Gorbach | Ukrayna, Türkiye | 100′
㊼ Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio
Guillermo del Toro & Mark Gustafson | ABD, Meksika, Fransa | 117′
㊻ The Eight Mountains
Felix van Groeningen & Charlotte Vandermeersch | İtalya, Belçika, Fransa | 147′
㊺ Çilingir Sofrası
Ali Kemal Güven | Türkiye | 60′
㊹ Resurrection
Andrew Semans | ABD | 103′
㊸ The Fabelmans
Steven Spielberg | ABD | 151′
㊷ The Quiet Girl
Colm Bairéad | İrlanda | 94′
㊶ Rewind & Play
Alain Gomis | Fransa, Almanya | 65′
㊵ Earwig
Lucile Hadžihalilović | Birleşik Krallık, Belçika, Fransa | 104′
㊴ The Novelist’s Film
Hong Sang-soo | Güney Kore | 92′
㊳ Sick of Myself
Kristoffer Borgli | Norveç, İsveç | 95′
㊲ Elvis
Baz Luhrmann | ABD, Avustralya | 159′
㊱ Stars at Noon
Claire Denis | Fransa, Panama, ABD | 135′
㉟ All Quiet on the Western Front
Edward Berger | Almanya, ABD, Birleşik Krallık | 148′
㉞ Pearl
Ti West | ABD, Kanada | 103′
㉝ Holy Spider
Ali Abbasi | Danimarka, Almanya, İsveç, Fransa | 116′
㉜ After Yang
Kogonada | ABD | 96′
㉛ The Innocents
Eskil Vogt | Norveç, İsveç, Danimarka, Finlandiya, Fransa, Birleşik Krallık | 107′
㉚ Rimini
Ulrich Seidl | Almanya, Fransa, Avusturya | 104′
㉙ The Eternal Daughter
Joanna Hogg | ABD, Birleşik Krallık | 96′
㉘ Godland
Hlynur Pálmason | Danimarka, İzlanda, Fransa, İsveç | 143′
㉗ Safe Place
Juraj Lerotić | Hırvatistan | 103′
㉖ Flux Gourmet
Peter Strickland | Birleşik Krallık, Macaristan, ABD | 111′
㉕ Alcarràs
Carla Simón | İspanya, İtalya | 120′
㉔ You Won’t Be Alone
Goran Stolevski | Avustralya, Birleşik Krallık, Sırbistan | 108′
㉓ Moonage Daydream
Brett Morgen | Almanya, ABD | 135′
㉒ Licorice Pizza
Paul Thomas Anderson | ABD, Kanada | 133′
㉑ EO
Jerzy Skolimowski | Polonya, İtalya | 86′
⑳ The Batman
Matt Reeves | ABD | 176′
⑲ Nope
Jordan Peele | ABD, Kanada, Japonya | 130′
⑱ Corsage
Marie Kreutzer | Avusturya, Lüksemburg, Almanya, Fransa | 113′
⑰ Top Gun: Maverick
Joseph Kosinski | ABD | 130′
⑯ Karanlık Gece
Özcan Alper | Türkiye | 104′
⑮ Triangle of Sadness
Ruben Östlund | İsveç, Fransa, Birleşik Krallık, Almanya, Türkiye, Yunanistan, ABD, Danimarka, İsviçre, Meksika | 147′
⑭ Crimes of the Future
David Cronenberg | Kanada, Yunanistan, Birleşik Krallık | 107′
⑬ Saint Omer
Alice Diop | Fransa | 122′
⑫ Close
Lukas Dhont | Belçika, Hollanda, Fransa | 105′
⑪ Vortex
Gaspar Noé | Fransa, Belçika, Monako | 142′
⑩ One Fine Morning
Mia Hansen-Løve | Fransa, Birleşik Krallık, Almanya | 112′
⑨ Hit the Road
Panah Panahi | İran | 93′
⑧ Pacifiction
Albert Serra | Fransa, İspanya, Almanya, Portekiz | 165′
Todd Field | ABD | 158′
⑥ Decision to Leave
Park Chan-wook | Güney Kore | 139′
⑤ Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm
Cem Kaya | Almanya | 96′
④ Everything Everywhere All at Once
Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert | ABD | 139′
③ Kurak Günler
Emin Alper | Türkiye, Fransa, Almanya, Hollanda, Yunanistan, Hırvatistan | 129′
② The Banshees of Inisherin
Martin McDonagh | İrlanda, Birleşik Krallık, ABD | 114′
① Aftersun
Charlotte Wells | Birleşik Krallık, ABD | 102′
1. Kurak Günler (Alper)
2. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
3. Aftersun (Wells)
4. Top Gun: Maverick (Kosinski)
5. The Batman (Reeves)
6. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
7. Triangle of Sadness (Östlund)
8. Sick of Myself (Borgli)
9. Hustle (Zagar)
10. TÁR (Field)
1. Saint Omer (Diop)
2. Aftersun (Wells)
3. Clara Sola (Mesén)
4. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
5. The Eight Mountains (Van Groeningen & Vandermeersch)
6. A Flower in the Mouth (Baudelaire)
7. The Beasts (Sorogoyen)
8. Rewind & Play (Gomis)
9. Corsage (Kreutzer)
10. Playground (Wandel)
1. Triangle of Sadness (Östlund)
2. Moonage Daydream (Morgen)
3. Resurrection (Semans)
4. Godland (Pálmason)
5. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
6. TÁR (Field)
7. Close (Dhont)
8. Elvis (Luhrmann)
9. The Quiet Girl (Bairéad)
10. You Won’t Be Alone (Stolevski)
1. Nope (Peele)
2. Earwig (Hadžihalilović)
3. Decision to Leave (Park)
4. Aftersun (Wells)
5. Flux Gourmet (Strickland)
6. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
7. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
8. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
9. The Eternal Daughter (Hogg)
10. Kurak Günler (Alper)
1. Kurak Günler (Alper)
2. Crimes of the Future (Cronenberg)
3. Harka (Nathan)
4. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
5. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
6. One Fine Morning (Hansen-Løve)
7. More Than Ever (Atef)
8. Alcarràs (Simón)
9. Until Tomorrow (Asgari)
10. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
1. One Fine Morning (Hansen-Løve)
2. Licorice Pizza (Anderson)
3. Pacifiction (Serra)
4. The Tsugua Diaries (Fazendeiro & Gomes)
5. Aftersun (Wells)
6. Alcarràs (Simón)
7. Convenience Store (Borodin)
8. Fire of Love (Dosa)
9. Rimini (Seidl)
10. Crimes of the Future (Cronenberg)
1. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
2. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
3. C’mon C’mon (Mills)
4. Aftersun (Wells)
5. Alcarràs (Simón)
6. Decision to Leave (Park)
7. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
8. Rimini (Seidl)
9. Godland (Pálmason)
10. EO (Skolimowski)
1. TÁR (Field)
2. A Love Song (Walker-Silverman)
3. Aftersun (Wells)
4. The Eternal Daughter (Hogg)
5. Fire of Love (Dosa)
6. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
7. Triangle of Sadness (Östlund)
8. The Quiet Girl (Bairéad)
9. Pearl (West)
10. After Yang (Kogonada)
1. Crimes of the Future (Cronenberg)
2. Stars at Noon (Denis)
3. Safe Place (Lerotić)
4. Aftersun (Wells)
5. Rimini (Seidl)
6. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
7. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
8. When You Finish Saving the World (Eisenberg)
9. Kurak Günler (Alper)
10. Love Dog (Lucas)
1. Aftersun (Wells)
2. Godland (Pálmason)
3. Pacifiction (Serra)
4. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
5. One Fine Morning (Hansen-Løve)
6. Nope (Peele)
7. Kurak Günler (Alper)
8. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
9. The Eternal Daughter (Hogg)
10. EO (Skolimowski)
1. TÁR (Field)
2. Close (Dhont)
3. One Fine Morning (Hansen-Løve)
4. Safe Place (Lerotić)
5. Decision to Leave (Park)
6. Kurak Günler (Alper)
7. Hit the Road (Panahi)
8. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
9. RRR (Rajamouli)
10. Top Gun: Maverick (Kosinski)
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
2. Hit the Road (Panahi)
3. Close (Dhont)
4. After Yang (Kogonada)
5. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
6. Aftersun (Wells)
7. Kurak Günler (Alper)
8. Bones and All (Guadagnino)
9. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
10. Alcarràs (Simón)
1. Pacifiction (Serra)
2. Aftersun (Wells)
3. Saint Omer (Diop)
4. Rewind & Play (Gomis)
5. Flux Gourmet (Strickland)
6. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
7. Fogo-Fátuo (Rodrigues)
8. Corsage (Kreutzer)
9. The Eternal Daughter (Hogg)
10. Crimes of the Future (Cronenberg)
1. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
2. Corsage (Kreutzer)
3. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
4. The Fabelmans (Spielberg)
5. Top Gun: Maverick (Kosinski)
6. The Menu (Mylod)
7. Nope (Peele)
8. Sick of Myself (Borgli)
9. Flux Gourmet (Strickland)
10. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
1. No Bears (Panahi)
2. One Fine Morning (Hansen-Løve)
3. Aftersun (Wells)
4. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
5. EO (Skolimowski)
6. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
7. TÁR (Field)
8. Decision to Leave (Park)
9. Pacifiction (Serra)
10. The Menu (Mylod)
1. Close (Dhont)
2. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
3. Aftersun (Wells)
4. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
5. Hit the Road (Panahi)
6. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
7. Flux Gourmet (Strickland)
8. Corsage (Kreutzer)
9. The Wonder (Lelio)
10. Turning Red (Domee)
1. Pacifiction (Serra)
2. Aftersun (Wells)
3. Saint Omer (Diop)
4. Kurak Günler (Alper)
5. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
6. EO (Skolimowski)
7. Vortex (Noé)
8. Corsage (Kreutzer)
9. Decision to Leave (Park)
10. Licorice Pizza (Anderson)
1. Hit the Road (Panahi)
2. Kurak Günler (Alper)
3. Karanlık Gece (Alper)
4. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
5. Cadı Üçlemesi 15+ (Özçelik)
6. Çilingir Sofrası (Güven)
7. Kar ve Ayı (Ergun)
8. Full Time (Gravel)
9. Eat Your Catfish (Tüzen, Isenberg & Arjomand)
10. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
1. Aftersun (Wells)
2. Decision to Leave (Park)
3. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
4. Kurak Günler (Alper)
5. Nope (Peele)
6. Saint Omer (Diop)
7. Sonne (Ayub)
8. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
9. The Eternal Daughter (Hogg)
10. Triangle of Sadness (Östlund)
1. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
2. Rimini (Seidl)
3. Kurak Günler (Alper)
4. Vortex (Noé)
5. Men (Garland)
6. Sick of Myself (Borgli)
7. Holy Spider (Abbasi)
8. Decision to Leave (Park)
9. TÁR (Field)
10. Barbarian (Cregger)
1. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
2. Aftersun (Wells)
3. Decision to Leave (Park)
4. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
5. Top Gun: Maverick (Kosinski)
6. The Northman (Eggers)
7. Karanlık Gece (Alper)
8. Kurak Günler (Alper)
9. Vortex (Noé)
10. Çilingir Sofrası (Güven)
1. The Godfather – 50. Yıl Özel Restore Kopya (Coppola)
2. Kurak Günler (Alper)
3. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
4. The Batman (Reeves)
5. Top Gun: Maverick (Kosinski)
6. Karanlık Gece (Alper)
7. Nope (Peele)
8. The Blue Caftan (Touzani)
9. Nightmare Alley (Del Toro)
10. Cadı Üçlemesi 15+ (Özçelik)
1. Playground (Wandel)
2. Crimes of the Future (Cronenberg)
3. Alcarràs (Simón)
4. Vortex (Noé)
5. Kurak Günler (Alper)
6. Taming the Garden (Jashi)
7. Speak No Evil (Tafdrup)
8. R.M.N. (Mungiu)
9. Godland (Pálmason)
10. Close (Dhont)
1. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
2. Sundown (Franco)
3. Decision to Leave (Park)
4. Aftersun (Wells)
5. The Quiet Girl (Bairéad)
6. TÁR (Field)
7. C’mon C’mon (Mills)
8. Parallel Mothers (Almodóvar)
9. Elvis (Luhrmann)
10. Triangle of Sadness (Östlund)
1. The Novelist’s Film (Hong)
2. Aftersun (Wells)
3. Rewind & Play (Gomis)
4. One Fine Morning (Hansen-Løve)
5. The Quiet Girl (Bairéad)
6. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
7. Flux Gourmet (Strickland)
8. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
9. Fogo-Fátuo (Rodrigues)
10. Smile (Finn)
1. Aftersun (Wells)
2. Licorice Pizza (Anderson)
3. Pacifiction (Serra)
4. Corsage (Kreutzer)
5. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
6. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
7. The Eternal Daughter (Hogg)
8. Kimi (Soderbergh)
9. Earwig (Hadžihalilović)
10. This Much I Know to Be True (Dominik)
1. Close (Dhont)
2. Hit the Road (Panahi)
3. TÁR (Field)
4. The Eternal Daughter (Hogg)
5. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
6. Kurak Günler (Alper)
7. Aftersun (Wells)
8. Licorice Pizza (Anderson)
9. The Girl and the Spider (Zürcher²)
10. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
1. Aftersun (Wells)
2. Close (Dhont)
3. Hit the Road (Panahi)
4. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
5. Kurak Günler (Alper)
6. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
7. Pacifiction (Serra)
8. One Fine Morning (Hansen-Løve)
9. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
10. Utama (Grisi)
1. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
2. You Won’t Be Alone (Stolevski)
3. Hit the Road (Panahi)
4. After Yang (Kogonada)
5. TÁR (Field)
6. Stars at Noon (Denis)
7. Klondike (Gorbach)
8. Vortex (Noé)
9. Elvis (Luhrmann)
10. Bones and All (Guadagnino)
1. TÁR (Field)
2. Saint Omer (Diop)
3. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
4. Kurak Günler (Alper)
5. Triangle of Sadness (Östlund)
6. Vortex (Noé)
7. All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (Poitras)
8. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
9. Alcarràs (Simón)
10. The Worst Ones (Akoka & Gueret)
1. Moonage Daydream (Morgen)
2. Kurak Günler (Alper)
3. Cici (Oya)
4. Elvis (Luhrmann)
5. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
6. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
7. Athena (Gavras)
8. Triangle of Sadness (Östlund)
9. The Tchaikovsky’s Wife (Serebrennikov)
10. Three Thousand Years of Longing (Miller)
1. The Innocents (Vogt)
2. You Won’t Be Alone (Stolevski)
3. Pearl (West)
4. Decision to Leave (Park)
5. Holy Spider (Abbasi)
6. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
7. All Quiet on the Western Front (Berger)
8. Watcher (Okuno)
9. Piggy (Martínez-Pereda)
10. Crimes of the Future (Cronenberg)
1. Crimes of the Future (Cronenberg)
2. Aftersun (Wells)
3. EO (Skolimowski)
4. The Beasts (Sorogoyen)
5. Saint Omer (Diop)
6. Kurak Günler (Alper)
7. All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (Poitras)
8. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
9. Pacifiction (Serra)
10. Human Flowers of Flesh (Wittmann)
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
2. Kurak Günler (Alper)
3. Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio (Del Toro & Gustafson)
4. Klondike (Gorbach)
5. Holy Spider (Abbasi)
6. Karanlık Gece (Alper)
7. The Batman (Reeves)
8. January (Kairišs)
9. Tiong Bahru Social Club (Thiam)
10. Licorice Pizza (Anderson)
1. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
2. The Batman (Reeves)
3. Top Gun: Maverick (Kosinski)
4. Vortex (Noé)
5. Triangle of Sadness (Östlund)
6. Moonage Daydream (Morgen)
7. Speak No Evil (Tafdrup)
8. Decision to Leave (Park)
9. Bones and All (Guadagnino)
10. Kurak Günler (Alper)
1. Aftersun (Wells)
2. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
3. Decision to Leave (Park)
4. Karanlık Gece (Alper)
5. Kurak Günler (Alper)
6. Çilingir Sofrası (Güven)
7. Vortex (Noé)
8. The Northman (Eggers)
9. Top Gun: Maverick (Kosinski)
10. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
1. Pacifiction (Serra)
2. De Humani Corporis Fabrica (Paravel & Castaing-Taylor)
3. Aftersun (Wells)
4. Stars at Noon (Denis)
5. Saint-Omer (Diop)
6. Crimes of the Future (Cronenberg)
7. Fogo-Fátuo (Rodrigues)
8. All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (Poitras)
9. Dry Ground Burning (Pimenta & Queirós)
10. Três Tigres Tristes (Vinaigre)
1. Karanlık Gece (Alper)
2. All Quiet on the Western Front (Berger)
3. Blonde (Dominik)
4. El Houb (Nasr)
5. Kurak Günler (Alper)
6. No End (Saeivar)
7. Happiness (Uzabaev)
8. We Might As Well Be Dead (Sinelnikova)
9. A Long Break (Pirtskhalava)
10. Palm Trees and Power Lines (Dack)
1. The Batman (Reeves)
2. Vesper (Buožytė & Samper)
3. Holy Spider (Abbasi)
4. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
5. Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio (Del Toro & Gustafson)
6. Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (Johnson)
7. Triangle of Sadness (Östlund)
8. All Quiet on the Western Front (Berger)
9. The Northman (Eggers)
10. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
1. Safe Place (Lerotić)
2. You Won’t Be Alone (Stolevski)
3. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
4. Resurrection (Semans)
5. Cha Cha Real Smooth (Raiff)
6. Aftersun (Wells)
7. Kurak Günler (Alper)
8. Empire of Light (Mendes)
9. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
10. Corsage (Kreutzer)
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
2. TÁR (Field)
3. Kurak Günler (Alper)
4. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
5. Pearl (West)
6. Corsage (Kreutzer)
7. Flux Gourmet (Strickland)
8. Funny Pages (Kline)
9. You Won’t Be Alone (Stolevski)
10. Aftersun (Wells)
1. Decision to Leave (Park)
2. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
3. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
4. Sick of Myself (Borgli)
5. Aftersun (Wells)
6. The Innocents (Vogt)
7. Triangle of Sadness (Östlund)
8. Sissy (Barlow & Senes)
9. Men (Garland)
10. The Northman (Eggers)
1. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
2. EO (Skolimowski)
3. Aftersun (Wells)
4. Decision to Leave (Park)
5. Rimini (Seidl)
6. Broker (Kore-eda)
7. After Yang (Kogonada)
8. The Wonder (Lelio)
9. Good Luck to You, Leo Grande (Hyde)
10. Top Gun: Maverick (Kosinski)
1. Kurak Günler (Alper)
2. Aftersun (Wells)
3. The Innocents (Vogt)
4. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
5. Vortex (Noé)
6. All Quiet on the Western Front (Berger)
7. Close (Dhont)
8. Athena (Gavras)
9. Nope (Peele)
10. Top Gun: Maverick (Kosinski)
1. Vortex (Noé)
2. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
3. Aftersun (Wells)
4. Kurak Günler (Alper)
5. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
6. TÁR (Field)
7. Bones and All (Guadagnino)
8. The Innocents (Vogt)
9. R.M.N. (Mungiu)
10. Hit the Road (Panahi)
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
2. Kurak Günler (Alper)
3. TÁR (Field)
4. Pearl (West)
5. After Yang (Kogonada)
6. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
7. Hit the Road (Panahi)
8. Corsage (Kreutzer)
9. Alcarràs (Simón)
10. Argentina, 1985 (Mitre)
1. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
2. The Novelist’s Film (Hong)
3. The Eight Mountains (Van Groeningen & Vandermeersch)
4. Decision to Leave (Park)
5. The Tchaikovsky’s Wife (Serebrennikov)
6. Aftersun (Wells)
7. Pacifiction (Serra)
8. Çilingir Sofrası (Güven)
9. Kurak Günler (Alper)
10. Sick of Myself (Borgli)
1. Aftersun (Wells)
2. One Fine Morning (Hansen-Løve)
3. Godland (Pálmason)
4. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
5. TÁR (Field)
6. The Fabelmans (Spielberg)
7. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
8. Flux Gourmet (Strickland)
9. Alcarràs (Simón)
10. Crimes of the Future (Cronenberg)
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
2. Hit the Road (Panahi)
3. TÁR (Field)
4. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
5. Kurak Günler (Alper)
6. Nope (Peele)
7. Safe Place (Lerotić)
8. Funny Pages (Kline)
9. More Than Ever (Atef)
10. Vortex (Noé)
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once (Kwan & Scheinert)
2. Aftersun (Wells)
3. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
4. Moonage Daydream (Morgen)
5. Elvis (Luhrmann)
6. The Fabelmans (Spielberg)
7. Kurak Günler (Alper)
8. Hit the Road (Panahi)
9. Sr. (Smith)
10. Klondike (Gorbach)
1. Aftersun (Wells)
2. Pacifiction (Serra)
3. Licorice Pizza (Anderson)
4. Earwig (Hadžihalilović)
5. Decision to Leave (Park)
6. Aşk, Mark ve Ölüm (Kaya)
7. Speak No Evil (Tafdrup)
8. One Fine Morning (Hansen-Løve)
9. EO (Skolimowski)
10. Beautiful Beings (Guðmundsson)
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