Oscar Boy Özel

Oscar Boy Sordu: 2023’ün En İyi 50 Filmi



2020’de Yurttan Sesler Listesi (kısaltması YSL şakalı) adıyla Never Rarely Sometimes Always’in, 2022’de ise Oscar Boy Sordu başlığında Aftersun’ın birinci geldiği yılın en iyileri toplaşmasının 2023 ayağı için toplanmış bulunmaktayız bugün. 60’a yakın sinema yazarı, mikroblogger, podcaster ve kültür sanat alanında içerik üreticisinin katıldığı ankette biten sinema yılının özetini çıkarmaya niyet ettik yine. Kapı kapı dolaşıp, kolektif bir tablo oluşsun diye herkesin yıllık onlularını rica ettim ve sağolsun bu seneki bütün tersliklere rağmen sinemayla bir nebze olsun rahatlayan arkadaşlarım beni kırmadılar.

Öncelikle şunu belirtmek gerekiyor sanırım, uzun metraj olması haricinde herhangi bir kısıtlamanın bulunmadığı bir liste bu. 2023 içerisinde Türkiye’de vizyona girmiş ya da dünya festivallerinde prömiyerini yapmış filmlerin tamamı değerlendirme altında. Tabii ki de kendimizi karşılaştıracak kadar aymaz değilim ancak örnek aldığım liste ahlakı biraz da Sight & Sound’un yaptığı. Nasıl ki iki senedir listelerinde TÁR görüyorsak bizde de 2022 sıralamasından hatırlayacağınız Godland (28.), Safe Place (27.) Saint Omer (13.) ve The Banshees of Inisherin’e (2.) yeni sıralarında rastlamanız mümkün. Seneler geçtikçe, ben bu yeni geleneğimizden vazgeçmedikçe, arkadaşlarım da listelerini benden esirgemediği müddetçe sistem iyice oturur diye düşünüyorum.

Listeyi Letterboxd üzerinden de inceleyebilir, katkıda bulunan 58 ismin kişisel listelerine de bir sonraki sayfadan göz atabilirsiniz.

㊿ Barbie

Greta Gerwig | ABD, Birleşik Krallık | 114′

㊾ How to Have Sex

Molly Manning Walker | Birleşik Krallık, Yunanistan | 91′

㊽ La chimera

Alice Rohrwacher | İtalya, Fransa, İsviçre | 133′

㊼ Dream Scenario

Kristoffer Borgli | ABD | 102′

㊻ Next Sohee

July Jung | Güney Kore | 135′

㊺ Sanki Her Şey Biraz Felaket

Umut Subaşı | Türkiye | 88′

㊹ Godland

Hlynur Pálmason | Danimarka, İzlanda, Fransa, İsveç | 143′

㊸ Samsara

Lois Patiño | İspanya | 117′

㊷ 20,000 Species of Bees

Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren | İspanya | 129′

㊶ The Settlers

Felipe Gálvez | Şili, Arjantin, Danimarka, Fransa, Almanya, İsveç, Tayvan | 101′

㊵ Infinity Pool

Brandon Cronenberg | Kanada, ABD, Fransa, Macaristan | 118′

㊴ Beau Is Afraid

Ari Aster | ABD, Finlandiya | 179′

㊳ Four Daughters

Kaouther Ben Hania | Tunus, Suudi Arabistan, Fransa, Almanya | 107′

㊲ Hayat

Zeki Demirkubuz | Türkiye, Bulgaristan | 193′

㊱ Terrestrial Verses

Ali Asgari, Alireza Khatami | İran | 77′

㉟ Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.

Kelly Fremon Craig | ABD | 107′

㉞ The Killer

David Fincher | ABD | 118′

㉝ Inside the Yellow Cocoon Sheel

Pham Thien An | Vietnam, Fransa, Singapur, İspanya | 169′

㉜ Safe Place

Juraj Lerotić | Hırvatistan | 103′

㉛ Green Border

Agnieszka Holland | Polonya, Belçika, Çekya, Fransa | 152′

㉚ Trenque Lauquen

Laura Citarella | Arjantin, Almanya | 260′

㉙ The Beast

Bertrand Bonello | Fransa, Kanada | 104′

㉘ Showing Up

Kelly Reichardt | ABD | 108′

㉗ Monster

Hirokazu Kore-eda | Japonya | 125′

㉖ Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Joaquim Dos Santos, Justin K. Thompson, Kemp Powers | ABD | 140′

㉕ Evil Does Not Exist

Ryusuke Hamaguchi | Japonya | 106′

㉔ The Banshess of Inisherin

Martin McDonagh | İrlanda, Birleşik Krallık, ABD | 114′

㉓ Asteroid City

Wes Anderson | ABD | 105′

㉒ Oppenheimer

Christopher Nolan | ABD, Birleşik Krallık | 181′

㉑ Passages

Ira Sachs | Fransa | 92′

⑳ Tótem

Lila Avilés | Meksika, Danimarka, Fransa | 95′

⑲ Saint Omer

Alice Diop | Fransa | 122′

⑱ May December

Todd Haynes | ABD | 117′

⑰ Here

Bas Devos | Belçika | 82′

⑯ The Taste of Things

Tran Anh Hung | Fransa, Belçika | 135′

⑮ Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of The World

Radu Jude | Romanya, Hırvatistan, Fransa, Almanya, Lüksemburg, İsviçre, Birleşik Krallık | 164′

⑭ Perfect Days

Wim Wendes | Japonya, Almanya | 125′

⑬ All of Us Strangers

Andrew Haigh | Birleşik Krallık, ABD | 105′

Kuru Otlar Üstüne

Nuri Bilge Ceylan | Türkiye, Fransa, Almanya, İsveç | 197′

 The Teachers’ Lounge

İlker Çatak | Almanya | 98′

 The Boy and the Heron

Hayao Miyazaki | Japonya | 124′

 Fallen Leaves

Aki Kaurismäki | Finlandiya, Almanya | 81′

⑧ The Holdovers

Alexander Payne | ABD | 133′

⑦ The Delinquents

Rodrigo Moreno | Arjantin, Brezilya, Şili, Lüksemburg | 190′

⑥ Poor Things

Yorgos Lanthimos | Birleşik Krallık, ABD, İrlanda | 141′

⑤ The Zone of Interest

Jonathan Glazer | Birleşik Krallık, ABD, Polonya | 105′

④ Afire

Christian Petzold | Almanya | 103′

③ Past Lives

Celine Song | ABD, Güney Kore | 106′

② Anatomy of a Fall

Justine Triet | Fransa | 152′

① Killers of the Flower Moon

Martin Scorsese | ABD | 206′

Katılanların kişisel listeleri için >>>


1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. Past Lives (Song)
3. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
4. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
5. Hayat (Demirkubuz)
6. Napoleon (Scott)
7. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Dos Santos, Powers & Thompson)
8. The Killer (Fincher)
9. Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One (McQuarrie)
10. Oppenheimer (Nolan)



1. Here (Devos)
2. The Taste of Things (Hung)
3. Evil Does Not Exist (Hamaguchi)
4. Samsara (Patiño)
5. Asteroid City (Anderson)
6. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
7. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
8. You Hurt My Feelings (Holofcener)
9. The Delinquents (Moreno)
10. Rotting in the Sun (Silva)



1. Trenque Lauquen (Citarella)
2. The Taste of Things (Hung)
3. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
4. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
5. Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World (Jude)
6. Evil Does Not Exist (Hamaguchi)
7. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
8. Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell (Pham)
9. Music (Schanelec)
10. Perfect Days (Wenders)



1. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
2. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
3. May December (Haynes)
4. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
5. The Taste of Things (Hung)
6. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
7. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
8. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
9. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Dos Santos, Powers & Thompson)
10. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)



1. Safe Place (Lerotić)
2. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
3. Here (Devos)
4. Tótem (Avilés)
5. Saint Omer (Diop)
6. The Taste of Things (Hung)
7. Past Lives (Song)
8. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
9. Charcoal (Markowicz)
10. Scrapper (Regan)



1. Afire (Petzold)
2. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
3. Showing Up (Reichardt)
4. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
5. Dream Scenario (Borgli)
6. May December (Haynes)
7. Human Flowers of Flesh (Wittmann)
8. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
9. The Holdovers (Payne)
10. The Taste of Things (Hung)



1. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
2. The Delinquents (Moreno)
3. How to Have Sex (Walker)
4. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)
5. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
6. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
7. Saint Omer (Diop)
8. Critical Zone (Ahmadzadeh)
9. May December (Haynes)
10. Here (Devos)



1. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
2. Past Lives (Song)
3. Passages (Sachs)
4. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)
5. Kokomo City (Smith)
6. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
7. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
8. Earth Mama (Leaf)
9. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. (Craig)
10. May December (Haynes)



1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
3. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
4. Asteroid City (Anderson)
5. Saint Omer (Diop)
6. Perfect Days (Wenders)
7. Afire (Petzold)
8. 20,000 Species of Bees (Solaguren)
9. Harka (Nathan)
10. Rheingold (Akın)



1. The Holdovers (Payne)
2. Past Lives (Song)
3. Afire (Petzold)
4. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
5. Copenhagen Does Not Exist (Skovbjerg)
6. Flora and Son (Carney)
7. Perfect Days (Wenders)
8. Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell (Pham)
9. Showing Up (Reichardt)
10. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)



1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
3. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
4. Past Lives (Song)
5. The Holdovers (Payne)
6. May December (Haynes)
7. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
8. Leila’s Brothers (Roustayi)
9. Barbie (Gerwig)
10. Corsage (Kreutzer)



1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. Asteroid City (Anderson)
3. The Delinquents (Moreno)
4. Past Lives (Song)
5. Afire (Petzold)
6. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
7. Oppenheimer (Nolan)
8. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
9. Femme (Freeman & Ping)
10. The Killer (Fincher)



1. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
2. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
3. The Holdovers (Payne)
4. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. (Craig)
5. Showing Up (Reichardt)
6. Past Lives (Song)
7. The Holdovers (Payne)
8. The Taste of Things (Hung)
9. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)
10. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)



1. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
2. The Delinquents (Moreno)
3. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
4. Afire (Petzold)
5. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
6. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
7. Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World (Jude)
8. The Beast (Bonello)
9. Perfect Days (Wenders)
10. Here (Devos)



1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
3. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
4. The Holdovers (Payne)
5. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
6. Past Lives (Song)
7. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
8. Hayat (Demirkubuz)
9. Zamanımızın Bir Kahramanı (Atabey)
10. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)



1. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
2. Past Lives (Song)
3. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Dos Santos, Powers & Thompson)
4. Afire (Petzold)
5. Monster (Kore-eda)
6. The Holdovers (Payne)
7. Femme (Freeman & Ping)
8. Passages (Sachs)
9. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
10. May December (Haynes)



1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. The Taste of Things (Hung)
3. The Beast (Bonello)
4. Asteroid City (Anderson)
5. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
6. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
7. The Delinquents (Moreno)
8. Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World (Jude)
9. May December (Haynes)
10. Here (Devos)



1. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
2. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
3. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)
4. The Delinquents (Moreno)
5. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
6. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
7. Passages (Sachs)
8. Afire (Petzold)
9. Past Lives (Song)
10. The Taste of Things (Hung)



1. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
2. Perfect Days (Wenders)
3. Afire (Petzold)
4. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
5. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
6. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)
7. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
8. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
9. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
10. Beau Is Afraid (Aster)



1. Past Lives (Song)
2. Perfect Days (Wenders)
3. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
4. Tótem (Avilés)
5. Passages (Sachs)
6. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
7. Afire (Petzold)
8. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
9. Beau Is Afraid (Aster)
10. The Holdovers (Payne)



1. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
2. Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World (Jude)
3. May December (Haynes)
4. The Settlers (Haberle)
5. The Delinquents (Moreno)
6. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
7. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
8. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
9. Terrestrial Verses (Asgari & Khatami)
10. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)



1. Monster (Kore-eda)
2. 20,000 Species of Bees (Solaguren)
3. Sanki Her Şey Biraz Felaket (Subaşı)
4. Everybody Loves Jeanne (Devaux)
5. Düet (Akkuş & İlkbağ)
6. Boşlukta (Vardar)
7. Next Sohee (Jung)
8. Ulysses Çevirmek (Yücel & Kuryel)
9. Ayna Ayna (Söylemez)
10. The Book of Solutions (Gondry)



1. Showing Up (Reichardt)
2. Green Border (Holland)
3. Past Lives (Song)
4. Four Daughters (Ben Hania)
5. La chimera (Rohrwacher)
6. Tótem (Avilés)
7. Reality (Satter)
8. Perfect Days (Wenders)
9. My Name Is Happy (Read & Toprak)
10. Kör Noktada (Polat)



1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
3. The Delinquents (Moreno)
4. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
5. How to Blow Up a Pipeline (Goldhaber)
6. Past Lives (Song)
7. The Settlers (Haberle)
8. Reality (Satter)
9. Rotting in the Sun (Silva)
10. Beau Is Afraid (Aster)



1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
3. The Delinquents (Moreno)
4. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
5. The Taste of Things (Hung)
6. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
7. Past Lives (Song)
8. Monster (Kore-eda)
9. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
10. Afire (Petzold)



1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
3. Oppenheimer (Nolan)
4. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
5. Hayat (Demirkubuz)
6. Kavur (Özeler)
7. Green Border (Holland)
8. Evil Does Not Exist (Hamaguchi)
9. Tótem (Avilés)
10. Infinity Pool (Cronenberg)



1. Babylon (Chazelle)
2. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
3. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
4. Trenque Lauquen (Citarella)
5. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
6. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
7. The Fabelmans (Spielberg)
8. Bad Living & Living Bad (Canijo)
9. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
10. Suzume (Shinkai)



1. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
2. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
3. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
4. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
5. Godland (Pálmason)
6. Past Lives (Song)
7. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
8. The Holdovers (Payne)
9. Other People’s Children (Zlotowski)
10. The Whale (Aronofsky)



1. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
2. Past Lives (Song)
3. The Holdovers (Payne)
4. The Killer (Fincher)
5. The Delinquents (Moreno)
6. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)
7. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
8. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
9. May December (Haynes)
10. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)



1. Here (Devos)
2. Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell (Pham)
3. Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World (Jude)
4. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
5. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
6. Samsara (Patiño)
7. Evil Does Not Exist (Hamaguchi)
8. Afire (Petzold)
9. In Our Day (Hong)
10. Tótem (Avilés)



1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
3. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
4. Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World (Jude)
5. Asteroid City (Anderson)
6. The Taste of Things (Hung)
7. The Delinquents (Moreno)
8. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
9. Past Lives (Song)
10. May December (Haynes)



1. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
2. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
3. Perfect Days (Wenders)
4. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)
5. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
6. Tótem (Avilés)
7. Woman of… (Englert & Szumowska)
8. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
9. Past Lives (Song)
10. Afire (Petzold)



1. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
2. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
3. Perfect Days (Wenders)
4. Tótem (Avilés)
5. Past Lives (Song)
6. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
7. Terrestrial Verses (Asgari & Khatami)
8. Afire (Petzold)
9. Dream Scenario (Borgli)
10. How to Have Sex (Walker)



1. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
2. Past Lives (Song)
3. The Delinquents (Moreno)
4. Afire (Petzold)
5. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
6. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
7. The Holdovers (Payne)
8. Close Your Eyes (Erice)
9. Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell (Pham)
10. On the Adamant (Philibert)



1. Afire (Petzold)
2. One Fine Morning (Hansen-Løve)
3. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
4. The Delinquents (Moreno)
5. Past Lives (Song)
6. Passages (Sachs)
7. The Holdovers (Payne)
8. The Old Oak (Loach)
9. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
10. Beau Is Afraid (Aster)



1. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
2. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
3. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
4. Perfect Days (Wenders)
5. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
6. Saint Omer (Diop)
7. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
8. Tótem (Avilés)
9. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
10. Afire (Petzold)



1. Afire (Petzold)
2. Past Lives (Song)
3. Do Not Disturb (Yılmaz)
4. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Dos Santos, Powers & Thompson)
5. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
6. Wonka (King)
7. John Wick: Chapter 4 (Stahelski)
8. Napoleon (Scott)
9. Barbie (Gerwig)
10. Infinity Pool (Cronenberg)



1. Birth/Rebirth (Moss)
2. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
3. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
4. Infinity Pool (Cronenberg)
5. Reptile (Singer)
6. Red Rooms (Plante)
7. Talk to Me (Philippou²)
8. Blood & Gold (Thorwarth)
9. Missing (Merrick & Johnson)
10. Leave the World Behind (Esmail)



1. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
2. Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World (Jude)
3. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
4. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
5. Afire (Petzold)
6. Close Your Eyes (Erice)
7. The Taste of Things (Hung)
8. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
9. Four Daughters (Ben Hania)
10. Orlando, My Political Biography (Preciado)



1. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
2. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
3. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Dos Santos, Powers & Thompson)
4. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
5. El Conde (Larraín)
6. Past Lives (Song)
7. Elemental (Sohn)
8. The Whale (Aronofsky)
9. The Fabelmans (Spielberg)
10. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)



1. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
2. Apolonia, Apolonia (Glob)
3. Saint Omer (Diop)
4. Trenque Lauquen (Citarella)
5. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
6. Here (Devos)
7. Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World (Jude)
8. Next Sohee (Jung)
9. The Beast (Bonello)
10. Blackbird, Blackbird, Blackberry (Naveriani)



1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. Saltburn (Fennell)
3. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
4. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
5. Godland (Pálmason)
6. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
7. Passages (Sachs)
8. Beau Is Afraid (Aster)
9. Past Lives (Song)
10. Oppenheimer (Nolan)



1. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. Monster (Kore-eda)
3. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
4. Past Lives (Song)
5. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
6. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Dos Santos, Powers & Thompson)
7. The Holdovers (Payne)
8. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
9. Sanki Her Şey Biraz Felaket (Subaşı)
10. May December (Haynes)



1. Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World (Jude)
2. May December (Haynes)
3. The Delinquents (Moreno)
4. Afire (Petzold)
5. The Human Surge 3 (Williams)
6. The Beast (Bonello)
7. Our Body (Simon)
8. Riddle of Fire (Razooli)
9. Orlando, My Political Biography (Preciado)
10. Yannick (Dupieux)



1. Terrestrial Verses (Asgari & Khatami)
2. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
3. Green Border (Holland)
4. Heroic (Zonana)
5. All Your Faces (Herry)
6. Es brennt (Afşin)
7. Hounds (Lazraq)
8. Beau Is Afraid (Aster)
9. Barbie (Gerwig)
10. After the Fire (Fikri)



1. Afire (Petzold)
2. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
3. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
4. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
5. The Holdovers (Payne)
6. Past Lives (Song)
7. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
8. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
9. Passages (Sachs)
10. Barbie (Gerwig)



1. Oppenheimer (Nolan)
2. The Holdovers (Payne)
3. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
4. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
5. The Killer (Fincher)
6. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. (Craig)
7. The Promised Land (Arcel)
8. Flora and Son (Carney)
9. Dream Scenario (Borgli)
10. El Conde (Larraín)



1. The Holdovers (Payne)
2. Sweet Dreams (Sendijarevic)
3. Afire (Petzold)
4. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
5. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
6. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
7. Little Girl Blue (Achache)
8. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)
9. Beau Is Afraid (Aster)
10. Poor Things (Lanthimos)



1. Safe Place (Lerotić)
2. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
3. The Holdovers (Payne)
4. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
5. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
6. Past Lives (Song)
7. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
8. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. (Craig)
9. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
10. Scrapper (Regan)



1. Afire (Petzold)
2. Saint Omer (Diop)
3. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
4. The Banshees of Inisherin (McDonagh)
5. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
6. Past Lives (Song)
7. Karanlık Gece (Alper)
8. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
9. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
10. Sanki Her Şey Biraz Felaket (Subaşı)



1. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
2. May December (Haynes)
3. The Delinquents (Moreno)
4. The Holdovers (Payne)
5. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
6. Perfect Days (Wenders)
7. Oppenheimer (Nolan)
8. John Wick: Chapter 4 (Stahelski)
9. Evil Does Not Exist (Hamaguchi)
10. Monster (Kore-eda)



1. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
2. Oppenheimer (Nolan)
3. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
4. The Holdovers (Payne)
5. Afire (Petzold)
6. Jeanne du Barry (Maïwenn)
7. La chimera (Rohrwacher)
8. Ferrari (Mann)
9. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
10. The Pope’s Exorcist (Avery)



1. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
2. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
3. Past Lives (Song)
4. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
5. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)
6. Afire (Petzold)
7. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
8. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
9. Inshallah a Boy (Al-Rasheed)
10. The Delinquents (Moreno)



1.Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
2. Afire (Petzold)
3. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)
4. Saint Omer (Diop)
5. The Delinquents (Moreno)
6. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
7. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
8. Fallen Leaves (Kaurismäki)
9. Kuru Otlar Üstüne (Ceylan)
10. Kör Noktada (Polat)



1. Here (Devos)
2. Evil Does Not Exist (Hamaguchi)
3. Afire (Petzold)
4. The Beast (Bonello)
5. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
6. In Water (Hong)
7. Passages (Sachs)
8. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
9. The Settlers (Haberle)
10. Trenque Lauquen (Citarella)




1. Afire (Petzold)
2. Here (Devos)
3. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
4. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
5. The Holdovers (Payne)
6. Past Lives (Song)
7. Evil Does Not Exist (Hamaguchi)
8. The Delinquents (Moreno)
9. Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell (Pham)
10. Asteroid City (Anderson)



1. All of Us Strangers (Haigh)
2. Afire (Petzold)
3. Past Lives (Song)
4. Poor Things (Lanthimos)
5. The Boy and the Heron (Miyazaki)
6. The Delinquents (Moreno)
7. The Zone of Interest (Glazer)
8. The Teachers’ Lounge (Çatak)
9. Showing Up (Reichardt)
10. Tótem (Avilés)



1. Anatomy of a Fall (Triet)
2. Past Lives (Song)
3. Next Sohee (Jung)
4. Afire (Petzold)
5. Tótem (Avilés)
6. Four Daughters (Ben Hania)
7. Killers of the Flower Moon (Scorsese)
8. 20 Days in Mariupol (Chernov)
9. The Holdovers (Payne)
10. Polite Society (Manzoor)


Sayfalar: 1 2


  1. Altuğ

    29 Aralık 2023 at 13:33

    Killers of the Flower Moon iyi bir film (7/10 – hatta bana göre bazı eksiklikleri olan) ama 1. olacak bir film değil bence. Hatta daha iddialı bir yorum yapayım, birebir aynı filmi Scorsese değil de Nolan yönetseydi eminim çoğu kişi listesinde ilk 5’e bile almazdı. Sanki isimden dolayı ayrıcalık tanıyoruz bazen, gerçi beğeni ve listeler oldukça öznel oluyor doğası gereği. Konudan bağımsız olarak Scorsese muazzam bir yönetmen tabii.

    Yeni film keşifleri için ideal oluyor bu en iyi film listeleri. Herkese çok teşekkürler, mutlu seneler! 🙂

  2. Hakan

    19 Mart 2024 at 15:15

    John Wick 4 ilk 50 film arasına da girmiyorsa…

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